Pearl, ATEC Sapphire and ATEC Emerald
Breast Biopsy and Excision System
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Basic Functional Checks and Adjustments
3.4.1 Relief Regulator Pressure
Check the output pressure of the relief regulator by locating the “T” connector on
the left side of the far left pressure regulator in the front of the console.
Disconnect the tubing that connects the left side of the far left regulator and the
middle regulator. Check the pressure at the “T” connector. It should be
between 68 and 72 PSI. If it is outside of this range, readjust the relief regulator
a few inches behind the far left regulator. Pull up on red locking ring and turn
the knob to adjust. Be sure to first lower the pressure to 60 PSI before setting at
70 PSI so the pressure can be set with a rising adjustment.
Some consoles may have a relief regulator located on the right side of the
compressor instead of on the shelf. In this case, there is a blue cap that will
need to be unscrewed with a screwdriver prior to adjustment. Once adjustment
is completed, be sure to screw cap back down.
Relief Regulator
3.4.2 Motor Pressure
Motor Pressure on ATEC Pearl Consoles
ATEC Pearl consoles only have one pressure to be adjusted. Using
the US/STX and Cylinder Gauge Connector Assembly, check the
pressure from the US/STX port by turning the console on and
depressing the footswitch. If it is not between 34 and 39 PSI, adjust
the regulator on the far left of the console until the gauge reads 36
PSI. Always set a pressure by increasing pressure up to the correct
value as opposed to decreasing pressure down to a value. Note:
The pressure regulator for US/STX motor pressure is in a
different location in an ATEC Pearl console than an ATEC
Sapphire console. Be sure to lock the regulator when finished.