10. Built-in devices
Standard refrigerator
To open
• Press in the button and pull open the refrigerator door.
To close
• There is an automatic lock on the door. When you shut the refri-
gerator door and press it firmly, it will lock itself automatically.
Lock Dometic
Lock on the refrigerator door
Lock (Super) Slim Tower
The refrigerator door must always be kept shut and
locked while driving.
(Super) Slim Tower
To close the refrigerator, press the door shut.
Methods of operation
The refrigerator can be operated in three ways. The desired mode
of operation is set using the energy selection switch.
- 12 V operation: electrical supply from the battery of the towve-
(ignition on),
- 230 V operation: electrical supply from mains hook up
- liquid gas: gas bottles from the caravan
Modes for operating the refrigerator
If the external temperature is high, full refrigerating capacity can
only be ensured by means of sufficient ventilation.To achieve better
ventilation, ensure that the side of the caravan with the refrigerator
vents stands in the shade (see Chapter 5.1).
10.4 Dometic Refrigerator
Please refer to the manufacturer's separate opera-
ting instructions before using the refrigerator.
Dometic refrigerator SlimTower
Super SlimTower