(13) Attach the two supports onto the fuselage with a 3mmx12mm self tapping
screw Make sure that the tail wheel assembly is straight
(16) Next, drill a 2mm hole about 1" deep at 1 1/8" from the bottom of the
rudder The hole should be straight in from the front edge
(14) Position the supports straight out (90°) to the fuselage and attach Use the
included hardware and drill 2mm holes for mounting
(17) Notch a small groove (1/8" deep) from the hole down to the bottom for the
tail control arm
(15) Trial fit the rudder onto the vertical fin Notice where the bottom hinge meets
the fuselage and make a slot in the tail where the rudder hinge needs to be with
an X Acto knife
(18) Place a small amount of epoxy on the hinges, in the groove and on the end of
the tail control arm (It is a good idea to place some petroleum jelly onto the
hinge center joint (point of movement) to keep out any epoxy