(1) Check the fit of your aileron servo in the aileron servo tray You may have to
trim away some of the servo tray for a good fit Install the grommets onto the
servo and fasten it to the wing using the screws provided with the radio system
Be sure to leave the wire outside
(4) Attach the clevises to the aileron horns and slide on the retaining tubes After
checking the neutral position of the aileron servo and ailerons, put a mark on
the push rods where the servo arm holes are
(2) Screw the aileron horns onto the aileron control arms Trim the wing mounting
brace as needed for full aileron movement
(5) At the mark, bend each push rod at a right angle
(6) Cut the push rods 6mm from the bend
(3) Screw two snap clevises half way up the threads on the aileron control rods
Next, cut two pieces of the clevis retaining tubing and slide them onto the rods