A.. Position the cowl so the thrust
washer on the engine sticks out
1/8" (3mm). Make sure the
spinner does not contact the
cowl at any point.
STEP 4: Attach the Cowl and Install the Spinner
Attach the fuel tube that
comes out of the “left” hole in
the firewall, to the nozzle on
the carburetor.
Attach the remaining fuel
tubing to the muffler. This is
called the “vent line” or
“muffler pressure line.”
STEP 5: Attach the Fuel Lines
Note: For some
engines, you may
need to trim the
cowl to provide
access to the
needle valve.
B.. At the holes in the cowl, use
the four 2.5 x 10mm screws to
attach the cowl in place.
If there is a lot of
extra tubing, you
may cut off some of
the excess.
STEP 3: Position the Cowl, Install the Muffler
Work the cowl around the
engine. Install the muffler.
P!!!!!! Position the prop so it is horizontal when you can feel
compression. (This way, if your engine quits in flight, the prop will
stop horizontal, therefore reducing the chance of prop breakage
due to a hard landing.)
Make sure the
prop is tight!
Muffler Pressure tap
To Carburetor
2.5 x 10mm Screw (4)
Actual Size