07 Group- supplementary Function parameters
Counting and timing mode
LED bit: count arrival processing
0: One-cycle counting, stop output
1: One-cycle counting, continue to output
2: Cycle counting, stop output
3: Cycle counting, continue to output
When the count value of the counter reaches the value set by the function code 07.01, the inverter will execute the corresponding action.
LED ten bits: Reserved
LED hundred bits: timing arrival processing
0: One-cycle counting, stop output
1: One-cycle counting, continue to output
2: Cycle counting, stop output
3: Cycle counting, continue to output
When the timer's time reaches the value set by function code 07.03, the inverter will execute the corresponding action.
LED thousand bits: reserved
The counter reset value setting
Setting of counter detection value
This function code defines the counting reset value and detection value of the counter. When the count value of the counter reaches the value set by the function
code 07.01, the corresponding multi-function output terminal (counter reset signal output) outputs an effective signal, and the counter is cleared.
When the count value of the counter reaches the value set by the function code 07.02, an effective signal is output at the corresponding multi-function output
terminal (counter detection signal output). If it continues to count and exceeds the value set by function code 07.01, when the counter is cleared, the output valid signal
is cancelled.
As shown in the figure below: Set the programmable relay output as the reset signal output, the open collector output Y as the counter detection output, 07.01 as 8,
and 07.02 as 5. When the detection value is "5", Y outputs an effective signal and keeps it; when it reaches the reset value "8", the relay outputs an effective signal with
a pulse period and clears the counter. At the same time, Y and the relay cancel the output signal.
Figure 07-1 Schematic diagram of counter reset setting and counter detection setting