When detergent remains in the dispenser, open the dispenser
and wipe the inside with a piece of soft cloth.
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Precautions /
Be gentle when wiping off touch remains to prevent detachment of
the dispenser.
‡¡◊ËÕ∑”§«“¡ –Õ“¥ à«πµ°§â“ߢÕß™àÕߺߴ—°øÕ°§«√∑”‡∫“Ê ‡æ◊ËÕªÑÕß°—π
§«“¡‡ ’¬À“¬∑’ËÕ“®‡°‘¥¢÷Èπ°—∫™àÕß„ àºß´—°øÕ°
Maintenance of detergent dispenser
°“√¥Ÿ·≈√—°…“™àÕß„ àºß´—°øÕ°
When detergent dispenser is detached from the unit.
‡¡◊ËÕ™àÕß„ àºß´—°øÕ°À≈ÿ¥ÕÕ°¡“
Follow instruction below for reattachment.
1. Fit the left pin of detergent
dispenser into the pin hole
of the inlet.
«¡¢“≈ÁÕ§¥â“π´â“¬¢Õß∑’Ë„ à
2. Pull right pin outward and
fit it into the right pin hole.
∫’∫∑’Ë„ àºß´—°øÕ°„Àâ‡≈Á°≈ß
¥â“π¢«“®π¡’‡ ’¬ß¥—ߧ≈‘°
Precautions /
Put detergent dispenser back into position when not using it.
(Close position)
«“ß™àÕß„ àºß´—°øÕ°‰«â„πµ”·Àπàß∑’Ë∂Ÿ°µâÕ߇¡◊ËÕ‰¡à„™âß“π„Àâ∑”°“√ªî¥
1. Turn the tap off and remove water supply hose.
28 for dismantling methods)
¥Ÿ«‘∏’°“√∂Õ¥„πÀπâ“ 28)
2. Face water supply hose down.
(do not bend the water supply hose)
∂Õ¥∑àÕ®à“¬πÈ”≈ß (Àâ“¡ßÕ∑àÕ®à“¬πÈ”)
3. After running the machine for 30
seconds, stop the machine.
„À⇧√◊ËÕß∑”°“√ªíòπ 30 «‘π“∑’ ·≈â«À¬ÿ¥‡§√◊ËÕß
4. Switch power off.
This serves to drain away water in wash
tub and drainage hose, as well as to open
the drainage valve.
When freezing occurs /
1. Release water supply hose and dip it
into tepid water of about 40
ª√–¡“≥ 40
2. Pour tepid water of about 40
C into
the wash tub.
π”πÈ”Õÿàπª√–¡“≥ 40
C „ à≈߉ª„π∂—ߪíòπ
3. Connect water supply hose and the
tap to check if the feeding and
draining of water is working properly.
µàÕ “¬∑àÕ®à“¬πÈ”‡¢â“°—∫°äÕ°πÈ”·≈⫵√«®¥Ÿ«à“
When it is likely to freeze
Feeding of water may be affected if water supply opening is
∂â“™àÕß®à“¬πÈ”‡¢â“ °ª√°Õ“®∑”„ÀâπÈ”‰À≈‡¢â“‰¡à –¥«°
1. Turn off the tap and release water supply hose.
28 for dismantling methods)
ªî¥°äÕ°πÈ”·≈â«∂Õ¥∑àÕ®à“¬πÈ”ÕÕ° (
¥Ÿ«‘∏’°“√∂Õ¥„πÀπâ“ 28)
2. Remove dirt on filtering net at the
water supply opening.
∑”§«“¡ –Õ“¥¢Õ߇»… ‘Ëß °ª√°µà“ßÊ
When it is difficult to clean the net,
remove it from the valve for cleaning.
µ“¢à“¬ “¡“√∂∂Õ¥ÕÕ°¡“∑”§«“¡ –Õ“¥
‰¥â∂â“∑”§«“¡ –Õ“¥‰¡à –¥«°
3. When it is necessary to remove the net for cleaning, please
fix the net to it’s original position to protect the water inlet
valve after cleaning.
‡¡◊ËÕ®”‡ªìπµâÕß∂Õ¥µ—«°√Õ߇æ◊ËÕ∑”§«“¡ –Õ“¥·≈–‡¡◊ËÕ∑”§«“¡ –Õ“¥
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Precautions /
Restore the filtering net after cleaning it, otherwise, it may cause
damages to the water supply valve.
π”µ—«°√Õßµ“¢à“¬‰«â∑’ˇ¥‘¡À≈—ß®“°°“√∑”§«“¡ –Õ“¥‡ √Á®·≈â« ‡æ√“–Õ“®
‰¥â√—∫§«“¡‡ ’¬À“¬µàÕ¢âÕµàÕ¢Õß à«π®à“¬πÈ”
Maintenance of water supply opening
Maintenance of the unit
Clean the unit and the control panel with a piece of soft cloth.
∑”§«“¡ –Õ“¥‡§√◊ËÕß·≈–·ºßÀπ⓪í∑¡å ¥â«¬ºâ“πÿà¡Ê
Precautions /
When conducting repair and mainte-
nance, keep all parts of the unit away
from direct contact with water.
„π°“√∫”√ÿß√—°…“µà“ßÊ §«√‰¡à„À♑Èπ à«πµà“ßÊ
Short circuit or electric shock may occur.
Precautions /
Do not use benzene, thinner, cleanser, alkali detergent, wax or
scrub-brush to clean the unit.
When using synthetic cleansing cloth, please follow the instructions
on the package.
When detergent adheres to plastic parts of the unit such as the
washer lid, remove it instantly to avoid it from damaging the unit.
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à«π„ àºß
Pin hole
™àÕß„ à∑’Ë≈ÁÕ§
Pin hole
™àÕß„ à∑’Ë≈ÁÕ§
Water supply opening