User Manual ST-2300
Product Code.: 20 2300 556
Suttner GmbH, Hauptstraße 15-17, 33818 Leopoldshöhe
Tel.: +49(0)5208 - 91 46 - 0, Fax: +49(0)5208 - 91 46 - 15, Email: [email protected]
Ver. 1.0
Spray gun ST
Spray gun ST
Spray gun ST
Spray gun ST----2300
The ST-2300 area of application is professional high pressure cleaning (hot/cold water). The grip housing is from impact-
resistant plastic. The valve body and connectors are corrosion-resistant. The trigger is equipped with a safety lock.
Intended Use
Intended Use
Intended Use
Intended Use
The spray gun is intended for dispensing fluids. These may be PED 97/23/EC Group II fluids, such as for example water
and conventional detergents or disinfectants. For further details see EEC Directive 67/548
Dispensing flammable, explosive, caustic or toxic substances is forbidden!
The spray gun must not be operated with abrasive substances.
The spray gun must only be used in a technically perfect condition, unmodified in any way, for the purpose intended, in
the awareness of safety requirements and potential hazards in compliance with these Operating Instructions. Only adults
trained in handling high pressure washers may use the spray gun.
Please also comply with the operating instructions for equipment and accessories connected to the spray gun including
regulations applicable to the detergents used.
Transportation and storage
Transportation and storage
Transportation and storage
Transportation and storage
Please ensure that the spray gun is protected from contamination during transportation and storage. Protect the spray
gun from frost. The effect of frost can damage the spray gun to such an extent that correct operation cannot be