It may cause damage or break down of the machine.
Õ“®∑”„À⇧√◊ËÕ߉¥â√—∫§«“¡‡ ’¬À“¬‰¥â
It may cause deformation or fire.
Grip the body of the plug when pulling it out of a
Failure to disconnect a plug properly could
cause a short circuit, electric shock or fire.
À“°¥÷ߪ≈—Í°º‘¥«‘∏’Õ“®‡°‘¥°“√™ÁÕµ À√◊Õ‰ø¥Ÿ¥
Must be done
If you don’t use the machine for a long time,
please remove the plug from the socket.
‡¡◊ËÕ‰¡à‰¥â„™âß“π‡ªìπ‡«≈“π“π °√ÿ≥“¥÷ߪ≈—Í°ÕÕ°®“°
‡µâ“‡ ’¬∫
Failure to do so may cause a fire, leaking current
or electric shock due to an ineffective insulator.
À“°‰¡àªØ‘∫—µ‘µ“¡Õ“®‡ªì𠓇Àµÿ¢Õ߉ø‰À¡â ‰ø√—Ë«À√◊Õ
‰ø¥Ÿ¥®“°°“√‡ ◊ËÕ¡ ¿“æ¢Õß©π«π‰¥â
Take off plug
Do not wash fabrics or sheets which cannot be
permeated by water.
Do not use washing machine other than washing
This could create a risk of an electric shock or leaking current due to
damaged plastics.
¡’§«“¡‡ ’ˬ߫à“Õ“®®–‡°‘¥‰ø¥Ÿ¥‰ø√—Ë«®“°°“√‡ ’¬√Ÿª∑√ßÀ√◊Õ§«“¡‡ ’¬À“¬¢Õß
™‘Èπ à«πæ≈“ µ‘°‰¥â
Fabrics of this type may be ejected, or the machine
might not work properly. This may cause injury or
damage the machine, the floor, the wall, or the
clothes. Examples of this type of fabrics include:
raincoats, swimming costumes, wet suits, ski suits,
sleeping bags and etc.
ºâ“∑’Ë´—°Õ¬ŸàÕ“®®–°√–‡¥ÁπÕÕ°¡“ À√◊Õ‡°‘¥°“√ —ËπÕ¬à“ߺ‘¥ª°µ‘ ∑”„À⇰‘¥°“√∫“¥‡®Á∫
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(‡™àπ ‡ ◊ÈÕ°—πΩπ ™ÿ¥Õ∫´“«πà“ ™ÿ¥°’Ó∑“ßπÈ” (WET SUIT) ™ÿ¥ °’ ∂ÿßπÕπ)
Don’t do this
Don’t do this
After turning off the water, or removing or fitting a
water hose, turn off the water tap before pressing the
start button, then turn on the tap. (The same applies
if you do not use the machine for a long time.)
„π°√≥’∑’Ë¡’°“√∂Õ¥ “¬®à“¬πÈ”ÕÕ°·≈⫵âÕß°“√ª√–°Õ∫
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If detergent, softener or bleach spills on the surface
of the machine, clean it up with a damp cloth
„π°√≥’∑’˺ߴ—°øÕ°, πÈ”¬“ª√—∫ºâ“πÿà¡À√◊ÕπÈ”¬“øÕ°ºâ“¢“«
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Must be done
Must be done
If there is air in the water pipe, the air pressure could damage the machine,
causing leaking water or an injury.
‡π◊ËÕß®“°¿“¬„𠓬∑àÕ®à“¬πÈ” ∑àÕª√–ª“¡’Õ“°“»¢—ßÕ¬Ÿà¿“¬„π ®÷ß¡’§«“¡‡ ’ˬ߫à“
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Otherwise this could damage the plastics or steel parts.
¡‘©–π—Èπ Õ“®®–‡°‘¥°“√‡ ’¬À“¬°—∫™‘Èπ à«πæ≈“ µ‘°·≈–‡À≈Á°‰¥â
Do not press the button with pointed objects.
‰¡à„™â ‘ËߢÕߪ≈“¬·À≈¡°¥≈ß∫π·ºßÀπ⓪í∑¡å
Do not install machine around fire sources such
as heater or cigarettes.
‡§√◊ËÕß∑”§«“¡√âÕπ À√◊Õ∫ÿÀ√’Ë
Don’t do this
Don’t do this
Do not use water hotter than 35
C when washing.
Àâ“¡„™âπÈ”∑’Ë¡’Õÿ≥À¿Ÿ¡‘ Ÿß°«à“
Õß»“‡´≈‡´’¬ „π°“√´—°
If you find any abnormal situations such as malfunction, smoke, peculiar smell, etc., stop using the machine
immediately and contact an authorized service dealer or a service agent for repair.
∂â“æ∫ ‘Ëߺ‘¥ª°µ‘∫“ßÕ¬à“߇™àπ‡§√◊ËÕß∑”ß“πº‘¥ª°µ‘, §«—π, °≈‘Ëπ·ª≈°Ê À√◊ÕÕ◊ËπÊ „ÀâÀ¬ÿ¥°“√„™âß“π‚¥¬∑—π∑’·≈–µ‘¥µàÕ‰ª¬—ßµ—«·∑π
Must be done
It may cause electric shock or fire.