Easy to Wash Course (FUZZY Course)
√Ÿª·∫∫°“√´—°Õ—µ‚π¡—µ‘ (‚ª√·°√¡Õ—µ‚π¡—µ‘)
According to the recommended detergent
quantity (as a rough measure) indicated on the
control panel, put the measured detergent into
the Detergent Dispenser. /
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When using liquid detergent, bleach and
fabric softener
Spinning cycle does not start when lid
remains open.
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5. When washing finish.
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The sound of buzzer (melodious) indicates washing completion.
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The sound of buzzer (melodious) indicates washing completion,
electric supply will also be automatically cut off. (Auto Off Function)
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4. Pour in powdered detergent and close the lid.
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Preparation (Pretreatment)
Machine-washable items
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Non-machine-washable items
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Leather product, leather ornament
Garments with ornament
Blended yarn fabric, such as rayon
and cupro
Non-colorfast articles
Necktie, suits, and coat
Items to which coating and resin
(or adhesive) is applied or emboss
(convex and concave patterns)
processing is given.
Wool or silk items using forcibly
stranded threads (hard twist yarn),
especially woven fabrics.
Pile fabrics, such as velvets and
Prior to washing, wash away dirt
beforehand from heavily soiled laundry,
if any.
Turn clothes inside out first to which
buttons or embroiders are attached,
then wash them.
In the event that the washed laundry is
shrunk excessively, it is advisable to
keep its dress-pattern paper to restore
its shape to the original form.
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1. Put laundry into the tub.
π”ºâ“∑’˵âÕß°“√´—°„ à≈߉ª„π∂—ß
Put the laundry into the tub.
The maximum load of laundry is 2.0 kg.
or less.
π”ºâ“∑’Ë®–´—°„ à≈߉ª„π∂—ß
ª√‘¡“≥ºâ“‰¡à§«√‡°‘π 2.0 °°.
2. Turn the power switch ON and select
the “WOOL” course /
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3. Put the liquid detergent
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When you wash clothes with a tag indicating “Dry Cleaning”,
be sure to use a detergent (liquid detergent) for exclusive
use, for that kind of material. Mild detergent (liquid
detergent) can also be used for those clothes that are
labeled with “Hand Washing”.
For amount of detergent, follow its instruction.
Dilute liquid detergent with water and pour it gently into
the washtub through the liquid detergent inlet.
Do not use powder detergent because it does not dissolve
well in water.
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Water level is designed to automatically reach “46L” .
If necessary, the level can be changed to any level in
the range from “24L” to “72L”.
A suitable water level should be the one when the
whole laundry is submerged into water.
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Liquid detergent dispenser
Washing Course for clothes with DRY Cleaning label (WOOL Course)
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Sweater, cardigan (wool,
Trousers and skirt
Blouse, shirt, one-piece
dress (silk, hemp, etc.)
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Clothes with “Dry Cleaning” or “Hand Washing” label can be washed gently and carefully through optimized
water current. However, since some materials can not be washed, check if the laundry you wish to wash is
machine-washable prior to the washing. (For details of the washing processes of each course,
“¡“√∂´—°ºâ“∑’Ë¡’©≈“°µ‘¥«à“ ”À√—∫´—°·Àâß·≈– ”À√—∫´—°¡◊Õ‰¥â‚¥¬°√–· πÈ”‰À≈‡«’¬π∑’Ëπÿà¡π«≈ Õ¬à“߉√°Áµ“¡
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Machine-washable clothes and articles are as follows :
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Precaution to bear in mind when washing clothes with “Dry Cleaning”
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Use a suitable amount of detergent /
„™âª√‘¡“≥ºß´—°øÕ°„Àâ‡À¡“– ¡
You cannot make any difference in washing results even though you use larger
amount of detergent than the specified amount.
On the contrary, however, it may result in a poor rinsing performance, causing the
clothes to be damage.
Do not use bleach. Because bleach is extremely alkaline, it causes damage to fabrics.
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Caution /
When washing items other than those mentioned above, read the instructions of
detergent you are using.
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Checking laundry for colorfastness
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Please check whether those clothes that may not be colorfast are easily discolored
or not. (For this purpose, use a white clean towel dampened with a small amount of
liquid detergent and rub it against the hidden portion of the clothes to check whether
or not color is transferred to the towel.) If you find that color is transferred from the
clothes to towel, do not wash it.
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This course is designed to wash clothes with normal stain. (
18 for details)
‚ª√·°√¡π’ȉ¥âÕÕ°·∫∫¡“ ”À√—∫´—°ºâ“∑’˧√“∫ °ª√°ª°µ‘ª√–®”«—π (
¥Ÿ§”Õ∏‘∫“¬√“¬≈–‡Õ’¬¥ Àπâ“ 18)
1. Turn power on
2. Select the FUZZY course (Water saving course)
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3. Press START button.
The pulsator rotates for
approximately 15 seconds to
detect laundry load. Water supply
will start after detergent amount
and water level are indicated.
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Note : Whenever you turn on the power, the FUZZY course is selected automatically.
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If you want to save energy, select the ENERGY SAVE mode by pressing the ECO button 1 time. (ENERGY SAVE indicator turn on.)
*It requires a longer washing time compared to normal FUZZY course
Notice for ENERGY SAVE mode : Washing machine may stop agitating up to 10 minutes during the washing process. This is
a soaking process to save energy and it is not malfunction.
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If you want to wash small loads (max. 0.6 kg.), select SMALL LOAD mode by pressing ECO button 2 times. (SMALL LOAD
indicator turns on)
*It requires less water compared to normal FUZZY course.
Do not put laundries more than 0.6 kg., otherwise this may cause detergent remaining in clothes or machine malfunction.
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