Troubleshooting Guide
Abnormality alarm: When the following cases occur, you will be alerted by flashes of indicators and sound of buzzer.
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If warning signs such as “F0” and “F9” are shown, immediately stop operating the washer and contact an authorized service dealer or a service agent for further inspection
and/or repairing.
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Indicator flashes
Part to be inspected
When resuming operations
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Check if electricity is cut off?
Check if fuse or circuit break is blown?
µ√«®¥Ÿ«à“øî« å¢“¥À√◊Õ‡ª≈à“?
Check if power cord is properly plugged?
µ√«®¥Ÿ«à“ª≈—Í°∑”°“√‡ ’¬∫∂Ÿ°µâÕßÀ√◊Õ‰¡à?
Check if tap is turned on?
Check if water is frozen or water supply is cut off?
Check if water supply inlet is dirty?
µ√«®¥Ÿ«à“πÈ”°≈“¬‡ªìππÈ”·¢ÁßÀ√◊Õ‰¡à À√◊Õ∑àÕ®à“¬πÈ”¢“¥À√◊Õ‡ª≈à“?
Check if drainage hose is completely released?
Check if drainage hose is damaged?
Check if drainage opening is immersed in water?
Check if drainage hose is obstructed?
Check if the interior of the drainage hose is frozen?
µ√«®¥Ÿ«à“∑àÕπÈ”∑‘Èß ¡∫Ÿ√≥åÀ√◊Õ‰¡à?
µ√«®¥Ÿ«à“∑àÕπÈ”∑‘È߉¥â√—∫§«“¡‡ ’¬À“¬À√◊Õ‰¡à?
Check if lid is opened?
Check if laundry load is tilted to one side?
µ√«®¥Ÿ«à“‡ ◊ÈÕºâ“∑’Ë„ à≈߉ªπ—Èπ‡Õ’¬ß¢â“ß„¥¢â“ßÀπ÷ËßÀ√◊Õ‡ª≈à“?
Does the lock hole of lid match with the pin of interlock switch?
Is there something that remains inside of the hole? (dust, lint etc.)
¡’ΩÿÉπ‡°“–µ“¡™àÕß≈ÁÕ§À√◊Õ‰¡à? (ΩÿÉπ, „¬ºâ“ Õ◊ËπÊ)
Make sure power is on.
Make sure the power cord is properly plugged.
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Press the START/PAUSE button twice to reset program.
°¥ªÿÉ¡ START/PAUSE 2 §√—Èß ‡æ◊ËÕ‡√‘Ë¡∑”ß“π„À¡à
Close the lid
Wait until the tub stop spinning. Press START/PAUSE to unlock
and open the lid then balance the clothes. Close the lid and
press START/PAUSE to restart.
√Õ®π∂—ßÀ¬ÿ¥À¡ÿπ °¥ªÿÉ¡ START/PAUSE ‡æ◊ËÕ∑”°“√ª≈¥
≈ÁÕ§·≈–∑”°“√‡ªî¥Ω“®—¥ºâ“„Àâ ¡¥ÿ≈·≈â«∑”°“√ªî¥Ω“·≈–°¥
ªÿÉ¡ START/PAUSE ‡√‘Ë¡°“√∑”ß“π„À¡àÕ’°§√—Èß
Close the lid correctly
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If “C9” keeps flashing, please request repairing.
∂â“ çC9é ¬—ß· ¥ßÕ¬Ÿà§«√∑”°“√ àß´àÕ¡
Draining not completed after
5 minutes.
5 π“∑’
Water not being filled to
specified level after 60 minutes.
¿“¬„π 60 π“∑’
Not running
Not filling in water
Not draining
Not spinning
Cannot lock the lid
(The lid is unproperly closed.)
‰¡à “¡“√∂ªî¥Ω“
Cannot unlock the lid
The following symptoms do not indicate breakdown /
Symptoms /
Cause /
Water comes out from drainage hose during first use.
Washing remaining time varies.
Water fills in during wash cycle.
Washing machine keeps running after preset time.
Spinning stops and water fills in during the spin cycle before rinse
Spinning stops during last spinning cycle and reverse back to rinse
with water filling in.
Spinning takes place intermittently at the beginning of the spin cycle.
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Abnormal sound is heard when turning the wash tub by hand.
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Water is drained away even if it is handfed.
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Lid can not open.
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Water from test conducted by the manufacturer remains in the drainage hose.
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Remaining time is automatically corrected according to different water supply speeds.
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When water level falls during wash cycle, water is replenished automatically.
It takes place when water is slowly fed in.
This takes place when the safety switch is activated as a result of an uneven distribution of laundry.
The next rinse will automatically switch to rinsing with water injection.
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This takes place when the safety switch is activated as a result of an uneven distribution of laundry. When water fill in and pulsator
rotates, laundry can be balanced by the motion and spin cycle will resume.
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This is to spin effectively.
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This is the liquid balancing device installed to minimize vibration during spinning.
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When power is off during draining or spinning cycle, the drainage valve remains opened. In such case, power on and start filling in water
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For your safety, the lid is locked while the washing machine is in operation. If you want to open the lid, press START/PAUSE button to
unlock the lid. When the washing machine is in spinning process, the lid will be unlocked after the complete stop of the basket rotation.
The lid remains locked if electric shut down occurs. In this case, please wait until the recovery of electric and push START/PAUSE button
to open the lid.
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Auto off function
When the operation finishes, power is automatically turned off.
Power is automatically cut off if the following situation remains for over an hour.
Pause mode.
Lid is left opened during spin cycle.
When START button is not pressed within 5 minutes after machine is being turned
on, power is automatically cut off.
1. ‡¡◊ËÕ®∫°“√∑”ß“π‡§√◊ËÕß®–ªî¥‚¥¬Õ—µ‚π¡—µ‘
2. ‡§√◊ËÕß®–µ—¥°“√∑”ß“π∂ⓇÀµÿ°“√≥å‡À≈à“π’ȇ°‘¥‡°‘π°«à“ 1 ™—Ë«‚¡ß
°¥À¬ÿ¥°“√∑”ß“π (Pause)
3. ∂Ⓣ¡à°¥ªÿÉ¡ START À≈—ß®“°°¥ªÿÉ¡ POWER ¿“¬„π 5 π“∑’ ‡§√◊ËÕß®–µ—¥«ß®√‚¥¬Õ—µ‚π¡—µ‘