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There are three ways to modify an existing message by editing the field. (Access level is "Supervisor" or
higher for the Touch Screen, and "Advanced User" or higher for Laser Application.)
(1) How to add a new field into a message.
(2) How to edit or move a field.
(3) How to delete a field from a message.
This chapter explains how to add a new text field to an existing message as an example.
To add a date or time field, refer to "3.9.4 INSERTING A DATE OR TIME". To learn how you can add
other types of field to your message, please refer to Software Manual.
Touch Screen:
To add a new field to an existing message using the Touch Screen, follow the procedure below.
(1) Select "FILE" on the main screen.
(2) Select "LOAD" on the right side of the screen, and select the message to which you want to add
a field from the existing message list on the left side of the screen.
(3) Press "Edit", then "CUSTOM" and select "Text".
(4) Touch where you want to add a field in the working area on screen and the keyboard will appear.
(5) After entering the text you want to add using the keyboard, press "RETURN" to add the text field.
(6) Save the message. Refer to "3.2.3 SAVING YOUR MESSAGE" for saving.
If you want to insert a field other than text (e.g. data or time field), the procedure is the same, but change
the type of icon selected in (3). The field options that you can set on the items that you can change in the
field edit menu depend on the selected icon.
[NOTE 1]
If you slide the icons to the left, icons that are not
on this screen will be displayed.
[NOTE 2]
The screen differs depending on the software version. For example,
after pressing
the "EDIT" button this screen may look like the one on the right side figure above.