Description of the Machine 19
4.3 Sealing System
The sealing system closes the opening(s) of the bag to retain the vacuum and/or gas in the bag.
The end of the bag can optionally be cut off by the sealing bar.
Figure 2: Overview of the Sealing
System (Including Sealing Cylinder)
Figure 3: Overview of the Sealing
System (Including Seal Bag)
Sealing bar
The sealing bar consists of the following components:
Sealing wires: during the sealing process, the sealing wires are heated for a certain time
causing the edges of the vacuum bag to melt together.
Cut-off wires (optional): A cut-off wire is heated in such a way that the foil of the bag
partially melts, allowing the excess foil of the vacuum bag to be removed easily.
Teflon tape: sealing and cut-off wires are covered with Teflon tape to prevent the bag from
sticking to the sealing bar.
Consult Replacing the Sealing Wire on page 54 for more detailed information about
Silicone holder
Opposite the sealing bar is a silicone holder which provides counterpressure on the cylinders/
seal bag (Replacing the Silicone Rubber of the Silicone Holders on page 56).
Sealing mechanism
The sealing bars are pressed onto the vacuum bag by bellows or cylinders.
By connecting the inlet of the bellows or cylinders with the atmospheric pressure outside, they
press the sealing bar onto the bag.
Additional sealing pressure (optional) may, depending on the model you have, be used if
additional pressure force is needed.
See Technical Data on page 63 and Connecting the Machine on page 23 for more