8 Troubleshooting
The Printer does not start
Connect the printer to the power supply
Switch on the Printer
Check all internal cables
The touchscreen does not work while printing
Wait until the print job is finished
The build platform stops, and the motor can be heard.
Place the spindle parallel to the linear guide of
the Z-axis
The print is not successful
Make sure the build platform and tray are
properly aligned
It is recommended to use fresh resin, if reusing
resin ensure it is filtered
Make sure the correct material is selected and
check the settings
When preparing the print job on the software
ensure it is located on the platform/bed
Print job slicing are sometimes generated with
defects coming from the file. Do a scroll through
check of the slices paying attention that the
image is complete.
Check level of the printer.
Many resins need to be shaken before use, make
sure to agitate the resins before printing starts
If this troubleshooting table does not help to find a solution, please contact Henkel service.