Rev. 05/2020
Double Electrical Outlets at Rear
To provide a live source of 115V power to power pumps, trouble
lights, etc.
1) Do not overload the circuit
2) Keep the outlets clean
High Limit Safety Shutoff Control
The red wire leading from the HEATMOR™ back to the power
source can be installed so the electrical power will sound an
alarm or will override the comfortable heat settings within the
heated building. By starting heating appliances in the building,
heat will be drawn off the HEATMOR™, dumped into the building, creating an elevated
temperature environment in the building, and hence a notification of an unusually high HTF
temperature within the HEATMOR™. By removing this excess heat from the HEATMOR™,
a “boil” will normally be avoided.
1) This control is set at 200 degrees Fahrenheit. When the HTF
temperature within the water jacket lowers to 195 degrees
Fahrenheit; the electrical circuit to the main combustion air
blower(s) would be re-activated. The combustion air blowers
will not come back on until the low HTF temperature is
2) Once the HTF temperature drops below 195 degrees
Fahrenheit the Snap Disk High Limit will reset and your
HEATMOR™ will function properly. To check turn light switch
to down position, light should turn on. If not, check light bulb.
If light bulb is fine, call your dealer.
Removal and Replacement
1) Turn off the main power supply to the HEATMOR™.
2) Remove the back right side tray panel - 5/16th nut driver.
3) Make sure stove temperature is not hot.
4) Drain stove below aquastat bungs.
5) Remove electrical box cover.
6) Disconnect - Black - Brown - Red.
7) Pull wires - Black - Brown - Red.
8) Remove faulty High Limit with 1” wrench.
9) Insert new High Limit aquastat. Tighten - use Teflow tape on threads.
10) Pull wires - Black - Brown - Red through corner & electrical box.
11) Reconnect wires at junction box - Black - Brown - Red.
12) Replace junction cover.
13) Replace side tin.
14) Refill with HTF.
15) Turn power back on.
Electrical Supply Junction Box
High Temp
Safety Shutoff