Rev. 05/2020
Types of Coal
There are three main types of coal approved for use in a HEATMOR™ furnace. They
are Pennsylvania anthracite, Eastern Canadian bituminous and Western Canadian sub-
Coal can vary in size by grade. Use “stove” coal or a similar size. Smaller sizes may restrict
airflow and larger sizes may not burn efficiently, if at all.
Please follow all local laws concerning the storage and burning of coal. Contact your
local dealer for further information on the types of coal available in your local area.
Handling and Storage of Coal
Some types will absorb moisture and expand; therefore it is recommended that coal must
be kept dry.
Loading Coal into the HEATMOR™
Coal may be easily fed into the HEATMOR™
Furnace with a small metal scoop shovel. With some
experimentation you will determine the proper filling
technique, amounts and frequency of loading for your
HEATMOR™ furnace while burning coal. Load coal to
the bottom of the firebox door frame fill line. Remove air
block off if more overgrate air is needed. Pull out to let
more overgrate air through and push back to get more
Air tube holds the air restricter.
Air Block Off