Rev. 05/2020
Heating Efficiency - Output Based
The percentage of the heat produced that was actually absorbed into the HTF and
transferred into the house from the Heatmor
Net Efficiency
This is the product of the combustion and heating efficiencies. Ninety percent combustion
efficiency times 60 percent heating efficiency results in a 54 percent net efficiency.
Loading Of The Furnace
Loading the furnace relative to the heat load will result in more efficient performance. More
nearly matching your fuel load to the current temperature conditions for an 8 to 12 hour
burn will result in longer burn cycles, higher overall burn temperatures and more efficient
performance. Your furnace has been rated for an 8 hour burn cycle. Burning wood with less
than 30% moisture content will also result in better efficiency.
Handling and Storage of Wood
Common questions concerning wood storage.
Q. Do I have to keep my wood covered?
. It can be more convenient. It is an extra task if snow has to be knocked off the
wood before it is loaded into the firebox. Rain and snow landing on the exposed
wood will tend to add a certain amount of moisture to the wood. Uncovered
wood will still burn.
Q. Why is it important to have my loading of wood directly at the furnace when I
go to load my furnace? Why must I load my furnace quickly?
Because of the large firebox and large firebox door, it often only takes a few
minutes after opening the door, until the unburned wood in the firebox will ignite
and cause smoke to come out the loading door.
Q. Is it a good idea to put the front of my HEATMOR™ into my wood storage
building so I can load the HEATMOR™ from inside?
This is never a good idea. The HEATMOR™, is designed to be placed
away from all buildings
to maintain optimum safety.
Q. What is the best method of handling wood?
Handle wood as little as possible. Keep the wood covered. Keep the wood storage
area neat and tidy. If you have a tractor that can lift pallets or crates, you are well
on your way to solving all three concerns. Have available approximately 20 crates
(5 feet square x 5 feet high). Take the crates to where you are cutting the wood
with the tractor. As you cut, pile the wood in the crates. Use the tractor to move
and store the full crates not too far from the HEATMOR™. Cover them if you wish.
Use the tractor to bring the crates to the front of the HEATMOR™, as you need
them. Throw the wood into the firebox.
Q. What is seasoned wood and how long should I season my wood?
Seasoned wood is wood that is cut and then stored for a certain amount of time
prior to use. We recommend seasoning hardwoods for one to two years and
softwoods six months to one and a half years. Ideal moisture content of seasoned
wood is 15 - 25 percent.