059705–00 REV. B
The Genesis Heat-Timer
normal display layout includes message indications. The following is a list of the most common Message
Display Line information:
The control is switched to Bypass for the amount of time indicated.
See "AUTO/BYPASS Switch" on page 32.
Cycle ON: 1/5 min
The Genesis Heat-Timer
is in the Cycle-ON period for a minute out of a total Cycle-ON
of 5 minutes.
Cycle OFF: 6/60 min
The Genesis Heat-Timer
is in the Cycle-OFF period. Only 6 Cycle-ON minutes out of the Cycle
60 minutes has elapsed.
Est. Heat at: 125°F
The Genesis Heat-Timer
is energizing Output relay to establish heat before starting a
heating cycle.
Boost 25/30 min
The Genesis Heat-Timer
has started a Boost function in a Cycle Operation Mode. 25 minutes
have elapsed of the 30 Manual Boost minutes.
Sensor Fault
Either the Outdoor or the System sensor is reading Short or Open. The Output relay will be
energized or de-energized based on the Sensor Fault setting.
Space L/O: 71°F
In Cycle Operation Mode the MPC Platinum is in Space Lockout (utilizing space sensors) until the
space average drops below 71°F.
See "Space Lockout" on page 15
Steam Time 12/15 min
District Steam is the Operating Mode choice. The control activated the output relay for 12 out of
15 minutes before starting the cycle.
See "Heating System—Steam" on page 47
The control is set to Summer. No heat is active.
Thermal Lockout: 125°F
In Cycle Operation Mode the Genesis is in Thermal Lockout until the System Sensor Temperature
drops below the System Set Point less the Differential.
See "Thermal Lockout" on page 63
No Call for Heat
The outdoor temperature is above the Outdoor Cutoff.
See "Wake and Sleep Outdoor Start" on page 52
Sys Run-On: 2/5 min
The Output relay has turned off and the System relay has been running for 2 minute and will need
to run for a total of 5 minutes.
See "System Run-On" on page 63