Hangar 9 Christen Eagle II 90 ARF
3. Mount the receiver in the fuselage using a hook
and loop strap and 1/4 inch (6mm) of foam rubber (not
included). Plug the rudder and elevator servo into the
appropriate ports of the receiver. Plug a 3-inch (76mm)
extension in the ports that will be used for the aileron
servos. The remote receiver is mounted using hook and loop
tape (not included) inside of the fuselage above the servos.
Make sure the antenna of the remote receiver is positioned at
a different angle than the main receiver for the best operation
of your radio system.
4. Use the radio system to center the rudder and
elevator servos. Use a pin vise and 5/64-inch (2mm) drill
bit to enlarge the hole 1/2 inch (13mm) from the center
of a 4-sided servo horn. Remove the excess arms from
the horn so they won’t interfere with the operation of the
servos. Connect the Z-bend of the rudder and elevator
pushrod to the servo horn. Attach the horns to the servos
using the screws provided with the servos and a #1
Phillips screwdriver.
5. With the radio system on and the elevator servo
centered, attach the clevis to the outer hole of the elevator
control horn. Adjust the clevis so the elevator is aligned
with the stabilizer. Once the clevis is set, slide the silicone
retainer over the forks of the clevis to keep the clevis from
opening accidentally. Apply threadlock to the nut and clevis
to prevent them from vibrating loose. Use pliers to tighten
the nut against the clevis to prevent it from vibrating and
changing position.
6. Repeat step 5 to connect the clevis to the middle hole
of the rudder control horn.
The following steps illustrate installing the
switch harness, battery and throttle servo for the
glow-powered version of your model. If you are
building for electric power, skip to the next section
of the manual to install the aileron servos.
7. Install the throttle servo in the fuselage using the
screws included with the servo and a #1 Phillips screwdriver.
The output shaft of the servo faces to the front of the
fuselage. Plug the servo into the throttle port of the receiver.