HQ Infinity User Manual
| 63
The alarm settings enable you to quickly turn on or off the alarms for the low bobbin, thread breaks, and
when you are quilting faster than the stitch regulation can accommodate.
Low-bobbin alarm:
Alerts you when the low-bobbin threshold has been reached, indicating you will soon
run out of bobbin thread. For more information about the low-bobbin alarm, see
Low-Bobbin Alarm
Thread-break alarm:
Alerts you if the top thread breaks while quilting.
Overspeed alarm:
Alerts you if you are moving the machine faster than 100% of motor capacity and
therefore are quilting too fast for stitch regulation to work properly. Because of the high speeds of the
Infinity can handle, you will most likely never encounter this alarm.
To turn on or off alarms
• Touch the alarm button below the alarm to turn it on or off. It is on when it appears green with the
sound-wave symbols. It is off when it appears purple.
Control the needle
laser. Light is
currently on.
Control the laser
stylus. Light is
currently on.
Turn on or off laser
Low-bobbin alarm
Indicates the
alarm is on. Touch
to turn off.
Overspeed alarm
Configure alarms
Thread-break alarm