Installation Manual
H3C S5600 Series Ethernet Switches
Chapter 5 Loading Boot ROM and Host Software
* H3C S5600 BOOTROM, Version 409 *
* *
Copyright(c) 2004-2007 Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co., Ltd.
Creation date : Apr 10 2007, 12:51:33
CPU type : BCM1122
CPU Clock Speed : 400MHz
BUS Clock Speed : 33MHz
Memory Size : 128MB
Mac Address : 000fe2005600
Press Ctrl-B to enter Boot Menu... 1
Press <Ctrl+B> as prompted. The system displays:
Password :
To access the Boot Menu, press <Ctrl+B> within one seconds after the information
“Press Ctrl-B to enter Boot Menu...” appears; otherwise the system starts to
decompress the program. At this time if you want to access the Boot Menu, you need to
restart the switch.
Input the correct Boot ROM password (no password is set by default). The system
enters the following Boot Menu:
1. Download application file to flash
2. Select application file to boot
3. Display all files in flash
4. Delete file from flash
5. Modify bootrom password
6. Enter bootrom upgrade menu
7. Skip Current Configuration file
8. Set bootrom password recovery
9. Set switch startup mode
0. Reboot
Enter your choice(0-9):