Modifications reserved. No liability for printing errors Id. No. 0061845 04/2010
When the glue has set hard, continue the holes in the facing rib (4.1) through the tri-
angular strip (26), and glue this assembly to the rib (4).
Allow the glued joints to set hard, then remove the excess triangular material using a
sharp knife (or balsa plane or chisel) before sanding the edges back flush.
The next step is to cut the recess for the trailing edge airbrake: cut through the trail-
ing edge (2) between the ribs (5; 5-z and 10-z; 10) using a thin sawblade. The cut-
lines in the ribs are indicated by laser marks; cut along them using a balsa knife. Pin
the wing down over the plan on the building board, cut the recess sealing strip (27) to
length, and glue it to the ends of the ribs, taking care to keep the ribs aligned with the
plan. Trim the sheeting (22) to fit between the ribs (8 and 9) and glue it in place, flush
with the underside of the ribs.
Allow the glue to set hard, then pin down the airbrake on the building board and glue
the leading edge sealing strip (27) to it.