Modifications reserved. No liability for printing errors Id. No. 0061845 04/2010
When all the glued joints are dry, place the airbrake in the recess and slip the steel
pivot rod (28) through the aluminium tube (14). Sand back the sealing strips (27) to
follow the contour of the ribs.
Caution: take care not to sand into the ribs and change the airfoil section.
The tip panels are assembled in the same way as the wing centre section: fit scrap
wood under the trailing edge (3) at the tip rib (39) to pack it up by 5 mm, and pin it flat
on the building board at the root rib position (29). Fit further packing, using a long
ruler or straight edge to keep it straight. Pin down the spar (3) and leading edge (1),
spaced to match the root rib (29) and the tip rib (39). Glue the ribs (29 - 39) to the
leading edge (1), the spar (3) and the trailing edge (3), keeping them flush with the
strip material. Allow the glue to dry, then lay the leading edge sheeting panel in place
and trim it if necessary. Apply glue to all the contact surfaces, position the sheet
panel (40) in the leading edge recess, and pin it in place using a scrap strip. Roll the
panel back over the ribs, and clamp it to the spar using a spare strip as a spreader.
Saw off the excess leading edge (1), spar (3) and sheeting (40), and sand them flush
with the end ribs (29 + 39). Cut the trailing edge (2) flush at the dihedral break rib
(29). Glue the wingtip (41) to the rib (39) and the trailing edge (2), then sand the trail-
ing edge flush with the wingtip when the glue has set hard. Glue the triangular strips
(42) to the dihedral break ribs (11 + 29) of the centre and tip panels, keeping them
flush at the underside; note the correct angle. Let the glue dry, then cut or plane off
excess material before sanding it back flush with the airfoil. Cut a slot in the triangular
strip and the rib to clear the tip dihedral brace (43), and check that it is a snug fit.