Modifications reserved. No liability for printing errors Id. No. 0061845 04/2010
Drill out the servo arms to 1.6 mm Ø, fit the pushrod connectors (77) in the holes, and
secure them with the plastic nuts (78). They must rotate smoothly, but without slop.
Rudder and elevator linkages
Screw the ball-link (80) onto the steel pushrod (79), slip the snake inner into the
snake outer sleeve (81) and fit this assembly into the guide sleeve in the fuselage
from the tail end. Shorten the horn (82) as shown in the picture, and screw the ball-
end bolt (83) into the hole. Mark the point on the control surface where the horn (82)
can be fitted without stress (see plan), and drill a 4 mm Ø hole in the panel at that
point. Shorten the spigot of the spreader plate (84) as shown and fit the horn. Install
the spreader, mark the outline of the base, and remove the covering film on the in-
side of the marked line. Glue the horn and the spreader plate to the control surface.