Modifications reserved. No liability for printing errors Id. No. 0061845 04/2010
Glue together the centre panel, the tip panel and the dihedral brace (43) using plenty
of glue for a strong joint. Ensure that the panels
line up correctly
. Pack up the wing-
tip by the stated amount (see photo) while the glue is hardening.
When the glue has set, sand the wing smooth overall, maintaining the airfoil section.
Chamfer the wing root doubler (44) and glue it to the wing trailing edge at the retain-
ing screw position. When sanding the wing please ensure that no ribs project above
or below the leading or trailing edges. A final inspection completes this stage.
Tailplane and fin
Tape the drawing over the building board, and protect it with greaseproof paper or
clear plastic film. Pin down parts (45 - 52) over the plan and glue them together.
When the joints are hard, sand the tailplane to the shape shown on the plan. Cut the
elevator (53) to length, trim it to fit and bevel it as shown in the drawing.
Sand the tailplane mounting doubler (55) to the shape shown, and glue it to the top
surface of the tailplane, as shown on the plan.