Modifications reserved! No liability for printing errors. Id.-No. 0062205 06/2011
This shot shows the outer collet support (37) fitted. Check once more that the wheels
are free to rotate, then glue the outer spat shells (39) in place.
The wing
Glue the main spar (41) in the wing (40) to provide the necessary bending strength.
Move the ailerons up and down several times to ease the action of the hinge.
Set the aileron servos to neutral from the transmitter, fit the output arms on them,
then glue the servos in the wing. Connect both ends of the pushrods (22) and glue
the horns (19) to the ailerons. Glue the 180 mm servo extension leads in the wing,
keeping them in a straight line, then glue the spar cover (42) in the slot. Caution: be
sure to apply plenty of glue to the recess in the wing. Glue the wing retainer screw
bush (43) to the wing to complete this aspect of construction. Offer up the wing to the
fuselage and temporarily fit the retaining screw (44).