Modifications reserved! No liability for printing errors. Id.-No. 0062205 06/2011
panel lines and / or rivet-heads on the fuselage can be picked out with a fine felt-tip
pen if you so wish. Cut out the individual decals and name placards and apply them
to the model, referring to the illustrations on the kit box lid and in the building instruc-
tions. The model is completed by sticking the canopy (45) to the fuselage.
To check the Extra’s CG please assemble the model completely, ready to fly, but
with the LiPo battery disconnected. The correct CG position is 80…85 mm aft of the
wing root leading edge. Adjust the battery position as required to balance the
aeroplane correctly. You can check the CG simply by supporting the model under the
wing on two fingertips; it should balance level at the point indicated.
For the first flight please wait for a day with little or no breeze. The ideal flying site is
a flat, closely-mown grass area without obstructions. Assemble the model com-
pletely, and check that all the control surfaces are at neutral. Allow the model to
take off from the ground, facing directly into any wind. Initially apply minimal
aileron and elevator corrections to keep the model in a steady, straight climb. Fine
adjustments are possible using the trim sliders below and adjacent to the transmitter
sticks. Always land the model flying directly into wind, with the motor idling but not
switched off. Flare out just before touch-down with careful use of up-elevator.
Here at GRAUPNER Modellbau we hope you have many enjoyable flights with your
Replacing the motor
If the motor should ever need to be replaced, it can be removed by pushing it into the
inside of the model. The new motor can be pulled into place from the front using the
motor installation aid (26).