Modifications reserved! No liability for printing errors. Id.-No. 0062205 06/2011
Glue the elevator servo in place as shown, then attach the tailplane (17). Caution:
do not be tempted to use thin cyano to glue the servo, as this will run inside
the case and jam the gears. Important: check the servo function before and
after installing it in the fuselage. Connect the pushrods (20) at both ends, and only
then glue the elevator horn (19) to the elevator.
The rudder servo can be installed in the same way. Run the 500 mm servo extension
lead forward through the fuselage.
The picture shows the fin (21) already glued in place. Take care to position the
bottom edge of the fin exactly flush with the end of the fuselage.
The illustration shows the CFRP stiffener tube (48) fitted to the rudder pushrod (22).
It is installed by cutting the metal pushrod (22) in half, sanding the surfaces, and
gluing both ends in the stiffener tube (48) using cyano. Pull hard on both ends of the
new pushrod to ensure that the glued joints are secure.