Fault Reporting
Fault Reporting
Fault code data is valid for a minimum of 1 msec before
FAULT ON DATA goes HIGH. Fault code data remains
valid, and the FAULT ON DATA remains HIGH, until a
FAULT RESET is received from the automation control-
ler, or the fault is cleared using the display.
Fault codes are reported using the FAULT ON DATA sig-
nal and the data bus. Fault codes can be either:
, which cause the PrecisionFlo LT DIS-
PENSER READY signal to go LOW or,
, which keep the PrecisionFlo LT DIS-
Both volume and fault data are available on the I/O
interface. Volume and fault data share I/O points, Data 1
- Data 32768. If the VOLUME ON DATA output is on, the
outputs contain volume data. If the FAULT ON DATA out-
put is on, the outputs contain fault data.
The automation unit can read a fault code any time dur-
ing the cycle, If several faults are present at the same
time, the highest priority fault code is sent to the data
bus. At the end of the dispense cycle the data bus is
used for volume reporting, If requested by the automa-
tion controller. Once volume reporting has been com-
peted, the fault code is placed back on the data bus.
Each fault is recorded on the user interface. The fault
data is also available on the I/O interface until the fault is
Refer to the Troubleshooting and Fault Recover section
for fault code causes, descriptions, and solutions for the
various faults.
. 27
Fault On Data
Fault Code Data
>1 msec