Assure adequate insulation is applied for
liquids with specific gravity less than 0.60.
To assure sufficient NPSHa.
Liquid source below the pump
Make sure that the suction piping is free
from air pockets.
This helps to prevent the occurrence of air and cavita-
tion in the pump inlet.
Check that the suction piping slopes up-
wards from the liquid source to the pump
If the pump is not self-priming, check that a
device for priming the pump is installed.
Use a foot valve with a diameter that is at least equiva-
lent to the diameter of the suction piping.
Liquid source above the pump
Check that an isolation valve is installed in
the suction piping at a distance of at least
two times the pipe diameter from the suc-
tion inlet.
This permits you to close the line during pump inspec-
tion and maintenance.
Do not use the isolation valve to throttle the pump.
Throttling can cause these problems:
Loss of priming
Excessive temperatures
Damage to the pump
Voiding the warranty
Make sure that the suction piping is free
from air pockets.
This helps to prevent the occurrence of air and cavita-
tion in the pump inlet.
Check that the piping is level or slopes
downward from the liquid source.
Make sure that no part of the suction pip-
ing extends below the suction flange of the
Make sure that the suction piping is ade-
quately submerged below the surface of
the liquid source.
This prevents air from entering the pump through a
suction vortex.
Example: Elbow close to the pump suction inlet
The correct distance between the inlet flange of the
pump and the closest elbow must be at least five pipe di-
4.6 Piping checklists
Model 3700i API610 / Type OH2 Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual