Mode 18 / off/off/off/on/on:
Trigger SoundFiles one or two, with a background
SoundFile PlayList
Input ‘a’ plays the first SoundFile on the Sd
Flash card.
Input ‘b’ plays the second SoundFile on the
Sd Flash card.
If not playing either of these SoundFiles,
then SoundFiles 3 through ?? will be played.
If the ‘Random’ switch (
DipSwitch #8
) is
‘on’, the background SoundFiles will be
played in a Random order.
Even if the ‘no step’ switch is ‘on’
DipSwitch #9
), the background SoundFile
can be stepped on by a trigger to play a
SoundFile from the ‘a’ or ‘b’ inputs. There
must be at least three SoundFiles on the
for this mode.
Option #2:
The one SoundFile that is
selected will loop as long as the input stays
active: unless
DipSwitch #6
are on.
Option #6: DipSwitch #6:
When on, the
SoundFile will only play once (no looping).
Option #7: DipSwitch #7:
When on, input
‘a’ will loop SoundFile one as long as the
input stays active. Input ‘b’ loops SoundFile
two as long as the input stays active.
Option #8: DipSwitch #8: Randomizer.
When on, SoundFiles are played in random
order, rather than sequentially.
Option #9: DipSwitch #9: Unsteppable.
When on, additional start commands to the
will be ignored until the currently
playing triggered SoundFile has completed.
Mode 19 / on/off/off/on/on:
‘StoreCaster’, ‘Safety Message’ and ‘Music-On-
Hold’ mode
From PowerUp, all but the first SoundFile
will play in a loop. Between each of these
SoundFiles, it will play the first SoundFile.
This allows the first SoundFile to be used as
an advertisement or safety announcement
that plays between your background music.
There must be at least two SoundFiles on
for this mode. Input ‘a’ ramps the
audio down to full mute when activated.
Input ‘b’ ramps the audio down -24dB from
full volume when activated.
Option #1: DipSwitches #6 and #7
used to select the speed at which the audio
ramps in/out.
Option #8: DipSwitch #8: Randomizer.
When on, SoundFiles are played in random
order, rather than sequentially.
Mode 1A / off/on/off/on/on:
‘IR Normal’ mode
Mode 1B / on/on/off/on/on:
‘IR Odd’ mode
Either IR mode sets the IR port to 1200 baud. Ten
repeats of SoundFile number through IR port (in
binary) starts the requested
SoundFile playing
In Even mode,
DipSwitch #8
on the IR
Transmitter must be ‘off’ or the IR beam will be
ignored. (This limits IR requests to numbers 01h
through 7Fh, which will play SoundFiles 1 through
In Odd mode,
DipSwitch #8
on the IR
must be ‘on’
or the IR beam will be
(This limits IR requests to numbers
80h through FFh, which will play SoundFiles
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Sd-25 w/DMX Manual • page 29 of 40 • © July 21, 2017 • Gilderfluke & Co. • DCM