sequentially, it will start playing with the first
SoundFile in the PlayList.
If operating in either IR mode,
, when ‘on’ tells the
to never play
the same SoundFile twice in a row. Use this
DipSwitch when there is a possibility that the
IR receiver will park on the same IR beam,
and you don’t want it to repeat the same
SoundFile over and over and over……
DipSwitch #9
is used to select whether the
triggered SoundFiles are protected against
another SoundFile being triggered while it is
still playing. If this switch is ‘off’, then a
triggered SoundFile can be started at any
time. If this switch is ‘on’, then additional
trigger inputs will be ignored if another
triggered SoundFile is already playing.
This switch is normally used in application
where the SoundFile is triggered by a motion
detector or guest triggered button. Motion
detectors and user operated buttons can
give multiple triggers. If this switch was ‘off’,
would cause the SoundFile to re-trigger.
With it ‘on’ each triggered SoundFile will
always play to completion.
‘Background’ looping SoundFiles, like those
in modes 16, 17 and 19 ignore this switch.
Even if it is ‘on’ the ‘background’ SoundFile
will be stepped upon if a trigger input comes
in via ‘a’ or ‘b’ inputs.
If operating in either IR mode,
DipSwitch #9
is normally set to ‘on’. If it is ‘off’, the
SoundFile will be continuously retriggered as
long as the IR receiver remains inside the IR
transmitter’s beam. The SoundFile will not
be allowed to play through until the IR
receiver leaves the transmitter's IR beam.
Amplifier Enable:
DipSwitch #10
is used to permanently
enable the
amplifier when ‘on’. If
you are not using the mixer, you will reduce
power consumption by moving this switch to
the ‘off’ position. The amplifier will then turn
off if no audio is being played from the Sd
card. If you are using the mixer inputs, then
you will probably need to leave this switch
‘on’, unless the repeater is also running
whenever the mixer is needed.
Seamless Looping:
For ‘seamless’ looping, use .wav encoding.
Mp3 encoded SoundFiles need a fraction of
a second to get the SoundFile rolling, and so
will not loop as seamlessly. You should cut
your audio file so that it loops on a 32 byte
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Sd-25 w/DMX Manual • page 33 of 40 • © July 21, 2017 • Gilderfluke & Co. • DCM