Mode 0 / off/off/off/off/off:
Loops with Mutes
Fade to -3dB on ‘b’
Mode 1 / on/off/off/off/off:
Loops with Mutes
Fade to -6dB on ‘b’
Mode 2 / off/on/off/off/off:
Loops with Mutes
Fade to -9dB on ‘b’
Mode 3 / on/on/off/off/off:
Loops with Mutes
Fade to -12dB on ‘b’
Mode 4 / off/off/on/off/off:
Loops with Mutes
Fade to -18dB on ‘b’
Mode 5 / on/off/on/off/off:
Loops with Mutes
Fade to -24dB on ‘b’
Mode 6 / off/on/on/off/off:
Loops with Mutes
Fade to -33dB on ‘b’
Mode 7 / on/on/on/off/off:
Loops with Mutes
Fade to -48dB on ‘b’
Loop all the SoundFiles on the
starting at PowerUp. Input ‘a’ will ramp the
audio to a fully muted level when activated.
The ‘b’ input ramps the audio to a ‘half
muted’ (lower) volume. The only difference
among these eight modes is the ‘muted’
volume level the ‘b’ input selects. These
modes will support up to 32,767 SoundFiles.
Option #1: DipSwitches #6 and #7
used to select the speed at which the audio
ramps in/out.
Option #8: DipSwitch #8: Randomizer.
When on, SoundFiles are played in random
order, rather than sequentially. If less than
255 SoundFiles are loaded on the
then the randomizer checks off each
SoundFile as it is played. It will not play the
same SoundFile a second time until it has
played all the other SoundFiles. If more than
255 SoundFiles are loaded on to the
then the SoundFiles are played randomly. It
does not check to see whether the same
SoundFile has been played recently.
Mode 8 / off/off/off/on/off:
Two triggers, with fast access to 1st SoundFile
Input ‘a’ plays the first SoundFile ONLY,
Input ‘b’ plays ALL of the SoundFiles on the
(SoundFiles 1 through ??). This mode
is used when you want to use the ‘b’ input to
trigger all of the SoundFiles, but occasionally
want to play the first SoundFile an extra
Option #2:
The one SoundFile that is
selected will loop as long as the input stays
active: unless
DipSwitch #6
are on.
Option #6: DipSwitch #6:
When on, the
SoundFile will only play once (no looping).
Option #7: DipSwitch #7:
When on, input
‘a’ will loop SoundFile #1 as long as the input
stays active, and input ‘b’ will loop through
ALL of the SoundFiles on the
(SoundFiles 1 through ??) as long as the
input stays active.
Option #8: DipSwitch #8: Randomizer.
When on, SoundFiles are played in random
order, rather than sequentially.
Option #9: DipSwitch #9: Unsteppable.
When on, additional start commands to the
will be ignored until the currently
playing triggered SoundFile has completed.
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Sd-25 w/DMX Manual • page 24 of 40 • © July 21, 2017 • Gilderfluke & Co. • DCM