Mode 13 / on/on/off/off/on:
Single trigger with mute/reshuffle on ‘a’
Fade to -24dB on ‘b’
Mode 14 / off/off/on/off/on:
Single trigger with mute/reshuffle on ‘a’
Fade to muted on ‘b’
Input ‘a’ plays ALL of the SoundFiles on the
(SoundFiles 1 through ??) on each
successive button press. The
will loop
through ALL the SoundFiles on the Sd card
on sustained ‘a’ input closures.
A ‘short’ pulse (more than
second, but less
second) on input ‘b’ ‘reshuffles’ the
‘PlayList’ triggered by the ‘a’ input. A longer
closure on input ‘b’ ramps the audio down
-6dB from full volume when activated. The
only difference among the next three modes
is the ‘muted’ volume level the ‘b’ input
Option #1: DipSwitches #6 and #7
used to select the speed at which the audio
ramps in/out.
Option #8: DipSwitch #8: Randomizer.
When on, SoundFiles are played in random
order, rather than sequentially.
Option #9: DipSwitch #9: Unsteppable.
When on, additional start commands to the
will be ignored until the currently
playing triggered SoundFile has completed.
When set to any of these four modes,
SoundFile requests made through the serial
port will be stored up to ten deep, if you try
to start any SoundFile while an unsteppable
SoundFile is already playing.
Mode 15 / on/off/on/off/on:
Two PlayLists
This mode divides all of the SoundFiles into
two evenly sized ‘PlayLists’.
Input ‘a’ triggers SoundFiles from the first
half, and input ‘b’ triggers SoundFiles from
the second half.
There must be at least two SoundFiles on
for this mode. If there is an odd
number of SoundFiles, then the second
PlayList (triggered by the ‘b’ input) will have
one more SoundFile than the first PlayList
(triggered by ‘a’ input).
Option #2:
The one SoundFile that is
selected will loop as long as the input stays
active: unless
DipSwitch #6
are on.
Option #6: DipSwitch #6:
When on, the
SoundFile will only play once (no looping).
Option #7: DipSwitch #7:
When on, input
‘a’ will loop through the first half of the
SoundFiles as long as the input stays active.
Input ‘b’ loops through the second half of the
SoundFiles as long as the input stays active.
Option #8: DipSwitch #8: Randomizer.
When on, SoundFiles are played in random
order, rather than sequentially.
Option #9: DipSwitch #9: Unsteppable.
When on, additional start commands to the
will be ignored until the currently
playing triggered SoundFile has completed.
Mode 16 / off/on/on/off/on:
Two PlayLists, with looping background SoundFile
Like Mode 15, except that the
loop the first SoundFile on the card
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Sd-25 w/DMX Manual • page 27 of 40 • © July 21, 2017 • Gilderfluke & Co. • DCM