AB-Clock Configuration:
To configure the AB-Clock through the serial port, you need to connect
the system just as you do for any serial communications (see the 'AB-100
AudioBrick Serial Port Commands' section of the manual). The serial port in-
terface on the AB-Clock is a bit different from most of the products offered
by Gilderfluke & Company. Most of our products are designed to be oper-
ated on a multi-drop serial network. The AB-Clocks are designed to be the
only piece of equipment on the serial network at one time. As soon as the
serial port of the AB-Clock is attached to the serial port it will start outputting
data to the screen of your computer. At the very least you should see the
time being updated each second. Hit the <ESC>ape key to redraw the
screen. The screen shown is the default configuration.
- MACs DIGITAL AUDIO CLOCK rev. 1.05 copyright 1989-1996 GILDERFLUKE & Co. DCM -
a) Select & play a sound | k) sound on hour- 03 | H) set clock
b) Baud rate- 9600 | l) sound on 1/4 hour- 04 |
c) odd parity- no | m) sound on 1/2 hour- 05 | I) set tolling hours
d) EPROM type- 27C040 | o) sound on 3/4 hour- 06 | J) skip weekends- no
e) Inputs debounce- 10 | p) sound on chime 1- 01 |
| q) sound on chime 2- 02 | K) schedule displayed
f) pulse output once | | L) modify schedule
g) status output- 1 PPM | t) sound on tick- none |
| u) sound on tock- none | M) download
h) A input action- 01 | v) tick/tock delay- 02 | O) reload defaults
i) B input action- 02 | |
j) PB input action- next | w) J-6 direct select- yes | X) eXit
hours for weekly tolling: none
01) none |07) none |13) none |19) none |25) none
02) none |08) none |14) none |20) none |26) none
03) none |09) none |15) none |21) none |27) none
04) none |10) none |16) none |22) none |28) none
05) none |11) none |17) none |23) none |29) none
06) none |12) none |18) none |24) none |30) none
23:59:59 Monday 12/31/99 - enter password-
The password for entering the configuration mode is:
Entering this will change the Ôenter passwordÕ prompt to Ôenter com-
mandÕ. When entered, it allows you to adjust all the variables in the AB-
Clock. To permanently save changes you have made in the configuration
you must use the ÔeXitÕ command and tell the AB-Clock to Ôsave configura-
tionÕ. Any changes made to the eight special show schedules will be per-
manently recorded as they are made.
If another command is entered while the last command is waiting for
additional input, the new command will be started. If at any point you
enter a command in error and it is waiting for additional input, you can
leave the command by entering an <ESC>ape key. This will leave the orig-
inal configuration unaltered.
You can keep a hard copy printout of the current configuration of any
AB-Clock. To do this you just hit the <ESC>ape key to redraw the screen
while saving the text with your modem program. This file can then be print-
ed out at any time.
& C
205 S. F
, C
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