Sometimes the neighbors donÕt like to hear a clock tolling at all hours of
the night. This command is used to set the hours during which the AB-Clock
will make noise if it has been set to tick and/or tock, chime on any of the
quarter hours or toll the full hours. Just like the special schedules, you can set
different operating hours for each of the days of the week, or one weekly
operating hour setting for seven (or five) days of the week. The daily operat-
ing hours take precedence over the weekly settings.
Entering this command will prompt you for two different hours.
Depending on the values entered, and the order they are entered, in there
are four different options you can choose.
a) If you enter 00 and 00 for the two entries on any of the daily sched-
ules, they will use the weekly operating hours, if any. This will be dis-
played as follows (the word ÕSundayÕ will be replaced by whichever
day has been selected for display and editing by the Schedule
Displayed command below):
Hours for Sunday tolling: using weekly hours
If you enter 00 and 00 for the two entries on the weekly schedule,
then there will be no hours set for the operating hours. This is dis-
played as:
Hours for weekly tolling: none
b) If you enter two identical numbers for the start and stop times, then
you will have selected (the word ÕweeklyÕ will be replaced by
whichever schedule has been selected for display and editing by
the Schedule Displayed command below):
Hours for weekly tolling: 24 hour operation
c) If you enter smaller hour first, and then a larger hour, then the auto-
matic tolling will play only for the hours selected. This is displayed as
follows (the word ÕweeklyÕ will be replaced by whichever schedule
has been selected for display and editing by the Schedule
Displayed command below):
Hours for weekly tolling: 08:00-10:00
d) If you enter a larger hour first, and then a smaller hour, the AB-Clock
will start tolling at midnight and continue until the smaller hour is
reached. It will be silent until the larger entry is reached. This is used
when you want the AB-Clock to pause its operations for a period dur-
ing the night. This is displayed as follows (the word ÕweeklyÕ will be re-
placed by whichever schedule has been selected for display and
editing by the Schedule Displayed command below):
Hours for weekly tolling: 00:00-02:00 / 08:00-23:59
Skip Weekends:
There are seven daily schedules and one weekly schedule in the AB-
Clock. The daily schedules are used for the operating hours and special
shows for Sunday through Saturday. The eighth (weekly) schedule is used to
set the operating hours and special shows which will be used:
a) seven days a week when this toggle is ÔOFFÕ
b) five days a week when this toggle is ÔONÕ
This feature is typically used in school and business and installations
where the Monday through Friday bell schedule is set using the weekly
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