- DR-50 MiniRepeaters -
Mini AudioBrick
power supply
power supply
A input +
A input -
B input +
B input -
output -
line output
- AB-50 Mini AudioBricks -
AB-50 and DR-50 MiniRepeaters are used where all you need is a fairly
short sound with a good quality audio output. Their output quality is up to
15 KHz bandwidth with a dynamic range of 72 dB. This is roughly equivalent
to the audio quality of a new cassette tape. Being completely solid state,
the sound that is recorded into a MiniRepeater will sound exactly as good
twenty or thirty years after it was installed. They never need any preventative
Any sound that can be recorded can be digitized into a Digital Audio
Repeater. This includes any type of chimes, bells, voice announcements,
music, alarms or sound effects. The MiniRepeaters can be configured to run
continuously or play only when triggered. More than one sound can be
recorded on each MiniRepeater as long as it is within the total capacity of
the memory installed. Each spiel can be recorded at a different band-
width, if desired. The spiels can be accessed sequentially (our full-sized
Digital Audio Repeaters can access spiels randomly).
Each AB-50 or DR-50 MiniRepeater holds one Eprom for audio storage.
This limits the maximum capacity of each repeater to about thirty seconds
at its maximum bandwidth (15 KHz). At voice bandwidths this can be
stretched to between sixty to ninety seconds. If longer play times are need-
ed then we recommend the AB-100 AudioBrick. If a higher quality audio
output is needed, we recommend the sixteen bit AB/DR-3000 series of CD-
Quality Digital Audio Repeaters.
The DR-50 is a MiniRepeater card that is designed for installations where
you need a large number of sounds that must be played simultaneously.
Typical of these installations are theme park ride-through attractions, shoot-
ing galleries, museums and miniature golf courses. Up to thirty-two DR-50
cards can fit into each of these 1-3/4Ó tall, 19 inch rack mounted CC-3250
card cage.
The AB-50 circuitry is identical to the DR-50. The difference is that the AB-
50 comes in its own 4Ó x 5Ó x 1Ó aluminum case. It is powered by the includ-
ed 12 VAC wall mounted transformer. AB-50s are used where you need one
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205 S. F
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