The Omit Flag Byte CheckBox should only be used when programming
samples for our 1.0 revision repeaters. This can also be used for burning
Eproms for some of our competitorÕs repeaters.
There are five commands buttons available on the SNDCMP8 main win-
dow. These are:
1) Add:
This brings up a standard Macintosh/Windows file open dialog.
You can select any sixteen bit 44.1KHz mono .WAV or .AIFF file for
adding to the list of files to go into this Eprom set. These will be the
sounds that go onto a single Digital Audio Repeater. You can use
the <shift> and <command> buttons to select more than one file
at a time.
2) Remove:
This button is used to remove any highlighted sound file(s)
from the list of samples that are going to go onto a single repeater.
3) Promote:
The files are loaded into the Eprom set in the order they
appear in the list. This button is used to move a highlighted file fur-
ther up in the list.
4) Demote:
The files are loaded into the Eprom set in the order they
appear in the list. This button is used to move a highlighted file fur-
ther down in the list.
5) Build:
This button tells the program to do the deed. It opens a stan-
dard Mac/Windows file save dialog that allows you to name and se-
lect where the Eprom files will be saved. Once saved, these files can
be burnt into any standard Eproms using any standard Eprom
Burner. The extension of Ô.r01Õ, Ô.r02Õ, Ô.r03Õ, Ô.r04Õ, Ô.r05Õ, etc. will be
appended onto whatever name you give the file set. After 99
Eproms the Ô.r99Õ will increment to Ô.s00Õ.
A filename.SET file will be generated at the same time as the Eprom files.
This contains the checksums and other data about the Eprom set that is
used by the PRINT utility to print out labels for the Eproms.
& C
205 S. F
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