Input Triggering:
'A' Input Closing Edge:
'A' Input Opening Edge:
'B' Input Closing Edge:
'B' Input Opening Edge:
'PB' Input Closing Edge:
'PB' Input Opening Edge:
'Aux. Port' Input Closing Edge:
'Aux. Port' Input Opening Edge:
Each Digital Audio Repeater card has two opto-isolated external inputs,
one push button input on the front panel, and one AUX PORT input. These
commands are used to select what actions will take place on each edge of
each of these inputs. Note that both rising and falling edge actions are
available to the user. This allows you to do things like start a Repeater on a
closing edge and then stop it on the opening edge of the same input.
The closing edge on the 'A', 'B', and 'PB' inputs are considered to be
when a normally open push button or switch is closed. The opening edge is
when that same switch or push button is opened. A closing edge on the
AUX PORT is considered to be any of the eight inputs closing if the direct se-
lect option is 'on', or any change in the input (except going to all inputs
open) if the direct select option is off. An opening edge on the AUX PORT is
when all eight of the inputs go to an open condition.
The hardware for the 'A', 'B', and 'AUX PORT' inputs can be configured to
run from either an internal power supply and a simple switch closure, or
from an external power supply or powered output.
When each Digital Audio Repeater card resets or is first powered up, it
checks the conditions on all the inputs, inverts them, and then compares
them with the steady-state conditions of the inputs. What this means is that
on power-up, if an input you are using to tell a card to run is in the 'run'
condition, the system will start immediately.
If multiple inputs to the system arrive simultaneously, they have the follow-
ing priorities:
2) 'A' input
3) 'B' INPUT
This will probably happen only on power-up.
"x" or "X"
eXit Setup Mode:
This command is used to exit the setup mode. If you hit this command in
error, hitting an <ESC>ape key will get you back to the setup mode. All the
setup commands that don't take effect immediately, take effect when the
eXit command is entered. This includes things like the BAUD RATE, so you will
have to change the baud rate of the terminal you are using at this time.
The eXit command asks you if you want to save the current setup perma-
nently. If you answer 'Y', the EEprom will be written with the current configu-
ration. If you answer 'N', the setup mode will be exited without writing to the
All cards in the system have their serial ports disabled while any card in
the system is in setup mode. This is the only command to which they will re-
spond. After the initial 'X', all of the other cards wait for a 'Y' or 'N' before
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