tolling the hours on each full hour. ÔCHIME 1Õ is the sound played for all but
the last chime in a sequence, which is played as ÔCHIME 2Õ. This allows the
last chime to be recorded with a much longer fade out than those which
are called up by ÔCHIME 1Õ. Options for these two entries are as follows:
a) No action
b) Select a spiel number from 01 to 98 and play it (enter a value from
1 to 98 to do this)
c) Select whatever the next spiel is and play it (enter a value of Ô99Õ to
do this)
Sound On Tick:
Sound On Tick:
These commands select the two sounds that will be alternated with a
delay between them set by the TICK TOCK DELAY. Options for these two en-
tries are as follows:
a) No action
b) Select a spiel number from 01 to 98 and play it (enter a value from
1 to 98 to do this)
c) Select whatever the next spiel is and play it (enter a value of Ô99Õ to
do this)
Along with the obvious tick and tock applications for these two settings,
with a fairly long delay they can also be used when you need to alternate
between any two announcements. i.e. Òthe white zone is for loading....Ó and
Òunauthorized vehicles will be towed.....Ó.
Tick/Tock Delay:
This command lets you set how many seconds will elapse between each
tick or tock sound. Valid entries are from 00 (none) to 99 seconds. If a peri-
od of less than one second is required between the tick and tock sounds, a
single spiel that holds both sounds can be recorded and played back on
both the ticks and the tocks.
J-6 Direct Select:
When toggled ÔONÕ, this command tells the AB-Clock to use a Ôone of
eightÕ selection for the 1/4 J-6 port on the AB-Clock. When in this mode, bit 0
selects spiel number one, bit 1 selects spiel number two, .... up through bit 6
selecting spiel number seven.
When toggled ÔOFFÕ, spiel selections are made through the 1/4 J-6 input
on the AB-Clock by presenting it with a binary pattern. This allows you to se-
lect spiels 1 through 255.
Set Clock:
These commands are used to set the battery backed up real time clock
inside the AB-Clock, and are used exactly as you would expect them to be
used. The final question is whether you would like the AB-Clock to automati-
cally adjust for Daylight SavingsÕ Time. If you answer Yes to this question, the
clock will automatically jump forward by on hour on the first Sunday in April,
and fall back on the last Sunday in October. The clock is set and the sec-
onds cleared to 00 immediately upon selecting the Daylight Savings option.
Set Tolling Hours:
& C
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