Initial configuration
Gigaset T300 PRO / Gigaset T500 PRO / englisch / A31008-M2212-R102-3-7619 / admin_configuration.fm / 19.03.2012
rsion 2, 06.0
Step 2: Configuring the lines
General settings
The general settings (area codes, prefix, country and deposit) apply across the whole PBX, as
long as no deviating values have been set on individual lines. Individual lines to VoIP or ISDN
providers, which are configured in the lines tab, can therefore each have deviating settings.
After saving the general settings, you can continue with step 3 of the initial configuration,
or set up lines with external phone numbers and emergency numbers at this point. In this
case, please read Chapter 13.2 Lines and Chapter 13.2.7 Emergency call.
In order to differentiate between internal and external numbers, a
number can be inserted that must be entered when dialling. This is
important because it is not possible to differentiate between assigned
three-digit internal numbers and three digit external numbers (e.g., the
emergency call number 110 is prefixed with 0 to change it to 0110 and
thus clearly differentiate it from the internal number 110). If the previous
PBX inserted a prefix, this can be retained for continuity purposes.
Defines a number via which all unassigned connections are routed, e.g.,
calls for users without an active or registered phone. Specifying a
deposit prevents incoming calls from "getting lost" in the system.
These are the connection numbers to be assigned locally, with which
Gigaset T300 PRO / Gigaset T500 PRO network users communicate with
each other.