PeakStore5 Manual Version 3.0
Manufacturer, type, number, location, nominal power and operator of the machine
Manufacturer, type, number, nominal speed and ratio of the gear box if present
Manufacturer, type, number and bearing description of the motor or generator
Speed measurement
Positioning of the speed sensor
Impulse per revolution is taken from the configuration
Current measurement number will be filled automatically
Configuration name will be filled automatically
Order number if available
Process information, e.g. current wind speed or actual power output
Sensor overview
The measurement protocol templates of type
have a preset picture. The measure-
ment positions of the individual sensors can be placed on this picture. The desired position
has to be clicked to place the sensor. If an already placed sensor is clicked again, a popup will
open to change the measurement position and direction.
If the same sensor arrangement is used in multiple measurements, it is recommended to save
the positioning. This can be done by pressing the save button above the picture. The position
will be saved under the given name. By pressing the load button the selected positioning is
applied to the current picture.
If a measurement protocol template of data type
is chosen, a schema picture of the
machine can be drawn by hand. The drawing mode can be activated by pressing the Design
button in the sensor overview. The empty box can be used to draw any picture. The completed
picture can be saved as separate picture file or copied to the clipboard to use it in another
application. Additionally, there are functionalities to revert the last operation, erase parts of the
picture or delete the complete picture.
An arbitrary text that can contain additional information of the measurement