PeakStore5 Manual Version 3.0
Software Usage
The software Peakanalyzer Manager serves as interface to manage the data collection sys-
tems PeakStore504, PeakStore508 and PeakStore512. At first the license of the according
PeakStore5 must be added to the Peakanalyzer Manager. The license manager is available
via the menu item Extras
→ Licenses. Via the button Add License the license that is delivered
with the PeakStore5 can be added.
The license can be extended by a balancing module, allowing to balance machines with up to
two balancing layers. If this option is activated, it is also shown in the license manager in the
Peakanalyzer Manager.
The coupling of the PeakStore5 to the tablet is done via the expansion port in the standard
delivery. This expansion port is activated automatically during the boot process of the tablet
but can also be activated manually via the tablet module configuration.
If the PeakStore5 is used via the separate USB connection in combination with a normal PC,
the USB connection must be first established before the PeakStore5 is added to the
Peakanalyzer Manager.
Afterwards the PeakStore5 can be added to the Peakanalyzer Manager via the menu item
Diagnosis system
→ New → PeakStore. The button Search lists all supported measurement
devices that are connected via USB.
The PeakStore5 is than listed in the device browser of the Peakanalyzer Manager like any
other system. After the selection of the PeakStore5 in the device browser, a query of the chan-
nel properties is done and the configuration site is opened.
Via the menu Extras
→ Options → PeakStore → General the directory where all measurement
data should be saved can be chosen. Additionally, a shortcut to the desktop or in the Windows
startup can be created. This will start the Peakanalyzer Manager and automatically select the
desired PeakStore5 and will start the settling process with active configuration.
In the configuration view, there is a menu bar in the bottom with some general functionalities.
The button New will create a new configuration. The button Activate will choose the currently
opened configuration as measurement configuration. This active configuration will also be au-
tomatically loaded if the PeakStore5 is selected in the device browser. The button Save will
save all changes of the currently opened configuration if there are no validation errors. If invalid
configuration parameters are set, a window will be opened with description of the invalid pa-
rameter. The button delete will delete the selected configuration. This is only possible if there
are no measurement data existent for this configuration. If applicable, these have to be deleted
in the data management first.