PeakStore5 Manual Version 3.0
Picture 29: Measurement data export
Via the button „Delete“ all selected measurement data will be completely deleted from the
PeakStore5 after an additional question.
The selected measurement data can be calculated with the Diagnostic Tool if the button “Cal-
culate” is pressed. The Diagnostic Tool will open and the checked data will be preselected for
further editing and calculation.
Picture 30: Diagnostic Tool
On the left side of the Diagnostic Tool the measurement data that were selected in the
PeakStore5 data management are shown. Each measurement can be preprocessed individu-
ally. Afterwards the order, envelope order, frequency and envelope frequency spectra as well
as the characteristic values are calculated for each measurement. The preprocessing contains
among others the following tools:
Apply a fixed speed value instead of the measured speed signal
Calculation of the speed of a tooth mesh
Elimination of speed outlier
Smoothing of the speed signal