PeakStore5 Manual Version 3.0
Vibration Measurement
If the PeakStore5 is selected in the device browser, the measurement overview of the active
configuration is automatically selected. The configured channels will be activated and the set-
tling process of the input channels will start. The settling process can also be cancelled. The
PeakStore5 is than deactivated and must be activated vi
a the button “Activate PeakStore”
before a measurement starts. If the PeakStore5 is active, the PeakStore5 can be deactivated
via the same button or the function key Fn2 on the top of the PeakStore5. If activated, the
PeakStore5 is in a monitoring mode where the current characteristic values and the current
speed can be viewed.
This also increases the power consumption of the PeakStore5. If the monitoring mode is not
needed, it is recommended to deactivate the PeakStore5 to increase the battery life time.
A measurement can be started by pressing the Start button in the right bottom of the applica-
tion. Alternatively, the function key Fn1 on the front bottom of the tablet can be used to start a
measurement. If the PeakStore5 is deactivated, the settling process will start first before the
actual measurement is started automatically.
If a predefined measurement time is configured and the measurement is cancelled via the stop
button during the measurement time, all measurement data of the current measurement will
be withdrawn.
To switch between the different measurement views, the navigation buttons in the right top of
the application can be used. The Home button always leads to the sensor overview.
6.2.1. Sensor Overview
Picture 17: Sensor overview