PeakStore5 Manual Version 3.0
Picture 3: Function keys on top (Source: Winmate M101 Manual)
The function key Fn2 on the upper side deactivates all input channels and accordingly reduces
the power consumption. If the key is pressed again, the input channels are activated and the
settling process starts.
Picture 4: Sensor inputs on upper side
Sensor Inputs
The accelerometers are connected to the connectors labeled with 1 to 12 on the upper side of
the PeakStore5. The accelerometers are directly supplied by the PeakStore5. If sensors are
connected that require an additional power supply, e.g. displacement sensors, the additional
power supply has to be connected to the DC IN connector on the right side (see 4.3).
While connecting the sensors the correct assignment of the numbered sensors to the inputs
has to be considered. The sensors are calibrated to the dedicated channel and will produced
false signals otherwise.
The magnets of the accelerometers have to be attached to the machine surface as follows:
The acceleration sensors must be secured to the vertical measuring position on the machine
surface by oblique positioning and careful tipping. Please pay attention on a fixed fit of the
Inductive displacement sensors should be installed so that the average distance between sen-
sor and measuring object is about the half measurement range. Thus a displacement sensor
with a measurement rage of 0.25
– 1.25 mm should have a distance of about 0.75 mm.