4.3.3 Video OCX Protocol
The Video OCX Protocol setting can be found under this path:
Streaming> Video OCX
In the Video OCX protocol setting page, users can select RTP over UDP, RTP over
RTSP(TCP), RTSP over HTTP or MJPEG over HTTP, for streaming media over the network.
In the case of multicast networking, users can select the Multicast mode.
Figure 4-34
Video OCX protocol setting options include:
RTP over UDP / RTP over RTSP(TCP) / RTSP over HTTP / MJPEG over HTTP
Select a mode according to your data delivery requirements.
Multicast Mode
Enter all required data, including <multicast IP address>, <H.264 video port>, <MJPEG
video port>, <Audio Port> and <TTL> into each blank.
Click on <Save> to confirm the setting.