Minimum Password Strength:
Select the required password strength for setting login
Requires login passwords to be at least 6 characters in length and containing
3 of the following 4 types of characters: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, 0-9, and
special characters (!^-_,+[]{}=).
Requires login passwords to be at least 9 characters in length and containing 1
or more special characters (!^-_,+[]{}=) plus 2 of the following 3 types of characters:
uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and 0-9.
Number of previously used passwords that cannot be used again:
Specifies the
number of previously used passwords that cannot be set as the new password.
Account lockout threshold for invalid login attempts:
The number of failed login
attempts allowed before the Web interface becomes locked.
Lock time of login fail:
The amount of time the camera is locked for after failing to log in
and exceeding the maximum number of failed login attempts allowed.
Limited Login Time:
The system automatically logs out of the Web interface after it’s
been idled for the time set.