Copyright 2006-2015 © Geoscanners AB
There are other tools available for the field surveyor that
help the visualization of the results and interpretation of the
data without affecting the collected data. One of these tools
is the contrast slider control that you can find at the bottom
of the screen.
Point to the holder slider’s arrow and click on it, moving it
to the right will increase the contrast of the B-scan image
on your screen. Moving the arrow to the left will have the
opposite effect than before. In conditions when the sunlight
is too strong this can help to identify targets in the field.
The other powerful tool we have available for enhancing the
presentation of the data and improving the readability of
the targets signatures is the palette tool. You can open the
palettes tool by clicking on its icon in the main toolbar or by
pressing Alt+P on your keyboard.
The palette or color scale that will be used in presenting the
data is selected here. Point to the desired palette and click
on it, a blue rectangle around it indicates that the palette
now is selected. The transform preview will show how
the palette is used for different levels of amplitude of the
incoming signal. In the transform box you can select the
type of transform you need to use for your particular data.
In some cases it is necessary to enhance the weak signals
and make the data blind to strong reflections whereas in
some other cases the opposite is more appropriate. In the
upper part of the transform box you can find a graphic
representation of the function to be applied.
The maker button inserts marks in the data that can be retrieved later on and used as fiducial reference points to
know exactly where the particular portion of the data has been collected. This is very useful later on to identify
targets and deploy survey maps. Pressing the button in the main toolbar will insert one marker in the data. Please
note that you need to release the button and press again to insert another marker in the data. The same function
can be achieved by pressing the space key on your keyboard during setup or record modes. Markers in GAS™ are
presented as dotted lines which are only one eighth of the B-scan in height.
Visual Enhancements