The Digital Pressure Bar
Graph indicates a basic 0-9
scale of pressure exerted.
The pressure bar graph
resets when the press is
closed/locked while timing.
If the pressure adjustment has been changed, or a different thickness
item has been placed in the press, the pressure bar graph will not change
until the press is closed and locked and the timer is counting.
This bar graph is directly related to the amount of pressure, or resistance,
being felt and applied to the bottom table. If a thicker item is placed in
the press, and no adjustments are made to the pressure knob, then the
amount of pressure clamping down will be greater, and the bar graph
will show a higher number. Here are some bar graph guidelines:
A very light pressure slight clamping would be in the 0 to 3 range.
A good medium pressure for most applications would be 4 to 6.
Excessively high pressure for demanding items would be 7-9.
Pressure is set manually using the large black Pressure Adjustment
Knob. There is one important rule of thumb when setting pressure: The
press MUST LOCK IN PLACE when lowering and clamping the press.
Do not simply let the platen rest on the pad. A good solid two-handed
locking force is recommended when first doing transfers to insure good
results. A “Ka-Thunk” click/clamp sound will result when locking the
press in place.
To decrease the pressure, turn the
pressure knob to the left, counterclockwise.
The top head will rise away from the lower
To increase the pressure, turn the
pressure knob to the right, clockwise. The
top head will lower toward the pressing table.
Setting Pressure
Digital Pressure Bar Graph